Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Chilean Super Bowl!

Part of my goal of "leaving it on the field" by the time the Lord calls me home is to take every opportunity possible to do something difficult but beneficial.

All kinds of things can fall in this category.  Recently, when my good friend Manuel mentioned his plans to go to his homeland of Chile, I knew I had to pray about and pursue the possibility of going with him.  Why is this difficult?  Allow me to name just four things that come to mind:

  1. Being away from my family for 16 days.
  2. Missing our church's annual Winter Get-A-Way Retreat.
  3. Being somewhere where I stick out (from my lack of Spanish to the color of my skin to my height to . . . you name it).
  4. Preaching and teaching to a different culture through an interpreter.

Yet, why is it so beneficial?  Allow me to name just six things that come to mind:

  1. God has some work to do on me, and this will be a great place for Him to turn up the heat.
  2. I get to witness faith in Christ in a whole different context.
  3. I get to fellowship through language barriers with brothers and sisters in the Lord.
  4. God has opened up opportunities to teach and preach about things I am passionate about.
  5. My family and my church will get to be stretched as well through my experience.
  6. Our network of disciple-making churches gets to expand.

I have been crucified with Christ.  It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.  And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 
                     Galatians 2:20.

Super Bowl XLVIII is this weekend and my favorite team is playing (Go Broncos!).  It is a big deal and it comes to my mind often.  Yet, as I consider what will be happening once I leave for Chile Wednesday, February 5 (see itinerary below), I not only think about it often but there is also an undefined emotion that comes over me.  It is part nervousness, part curiosity, part anticipation, and part pure JOY, with a little trepidation mixed in.

As an athlete has a sense of being blessed for having the chance to play in a Super Bowl, each of us needs to aim for and pursue as many Super Bowls as we can get to.  We need to pray for opportunities to be stretched, to be counted on for something bigger and more significant than ourselves, and to grow as a person and as a follower of Jesus Christ.  For it is no longer I who live so I may as well leave it all on the field for Christ's sake.

Chile Itinerary:

Wednesday 5-Thursday 6 . . . . . . .Fly from Minneapolis to Santiago, Chile
Friday 7………………………… Travel from Santiago to Talcahuano
Saturday 8 …………………….GATEWAY (The whole day)
Sunday 9………………………..GATEWAY (morning only), service in Talcahuano (evening) CARLYN PREACHES
Monday 10……………………. Travel to Curarrehue
Tuesday 11……………………..Service in Curarrehue PAUL PREACHES
Wednesday 12………………..Return to Quillón
Thursday 13…………………….Barbecue with Pastors’ Network in Quillón
Friday 14…………………………Free day in Quillón/BOOTCAMP  (It will start at 6:00 pm)
Saturday 15…………………….Church Planting Bootcamp
Sunday 16……………….………Service in Quillón (morning) (Carlyn Preaches, service in Talcahuano (Alex Preaches)
Monday 17………………………nothing schedule
Wednesday 19…………………Nothing scheduled currently
Thursday 20- Friday 21……… Return flight to Minneapolis

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