Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Solid Standard

What is a standard? Should there be standards? How are standards determined? The NFL is in the process of changing their standards regarding how hard to hit and where to hit an opposing player. It's already created lots of conversation because of the many fines dished out over the past few years. The topic is even hotter now because of the "Bountygate" in New Orleans and the lawsuit by former players who feel that their quality of life is negatively effected because of their involvement with football. Ultimately, the standard has been determined and will continue to be determined by the bottom line, the almighty dollar. This, I'm afraid, is the bottom line which many businesses, families, government, and even some schools use to make major decisions. What a LOUSY standard to major on! Yes, money is needed for something to stay active and for a civil or non-profit to at least keep going. Yet, by concentrating on money like so many do, we lose the human element of whatever it is that we do. This is why many successful businesses don't even invite their financial people into planning sessions or creative brainstorms or goal setting. People must be the motivation of what we do. Even better, why not go a step further and start valuing the One who created these people to begin with. Since our standard relates to what's best for the people, we need to go to the source of people - God Himself. Why don't we want to do this? Because God doesn't play by our rules (imagine that, the creator of everything has His own set of rules). He has the right to determine proper STANDARDS by which we should live. The major relationships in our society (husband/wife, parent/child, employer/employee) are addressed in the Bible from Ephesians 5:22 through Ephesians 6:9. The verse before this passage (Ephesians 5:21) sets up all these relationships - "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." It's only out of an awe and respect for Jesus Christ that we are able to listen to and submit to each other and put into practice these vital principles found in the following 21 verses. Then, in Ephesians 6:10 and following we hear the great challenge to "Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might" by putting on the full armor of God. He has it all figured out. He's prepared us with all that we need. He'll gladly take over our situations when we're ready to let Him. He loves you. What will you do with Him today? tomorrow?

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